The Church Death Grip – Holding on to the Insignificant

For centuries churches have had their rituals, and sacred practices, and for many of them that is what fuels their very being.  What once was created to worship God eventually becomes an idol (God)  in which takes precedence over the true purpose of the church.

Many times when we talk about holding on to insignificant practices we tend to reference traditional churches, but I started thinking about all the methodologies of many of the  churches that are proclaiming to be cutting edge.  Continue reading

Whole New Ball Game

Today is the first day that I have even been able to sit down, and do a little bit of work on the ol’ PC since my transition to church planting.  I don’t have an office set-up yet so I have been working at the local McD’s, but hopefully come the first of the week we will have a central hub/office for North Lake Church. 

This has been a great change of pace.  Over the past few months I have become so content in ministry.  Nice office, nice church, nice group of people, and I found myself too comfortable with where I was at.  It wasn’t until I started reading Steven Furtick’s book “Sun Stand Still”, that I started realizing that I was sick of settling for great when I can experience God’s best.  I have stepped out in faith, and loving every miniute of it.  The McDonalds saying “I’m loving It” doesn’t even decsribe the excitement, and adventue that I am experiencing right now. 

The worst part about being on a spiritual high is knowing that there are some spiritual lows that are going to effect me just as powerful. It is important that as I begin this adventure that I am reminded that this is a whole new ball game.  Not only am I on a different team, there are different rules, different opponents, different strategies, different rivals, but the same old adversary.  It is like going from playing baseball to football.

The most important thing is that I am spiritually equiped for this (Ephesians 6).  Time to strap up the helmet, put on the shoulder pads, and lace up the cleats.  It’s Game Time!!

Choose this Day – Whom You Will Serve.

I have never been so haunted by such a scripture as Joshua 24, and I will share a little more in detail here in a little bit, but the command in this passage has plagued my mind for going on a year now.

Choose this Day – Whom You Will Serve.

I came across this passage earlier in the year during a quiet time, and then Brandon preached this passage during his Journey through the Word Series, and it also happened to be the theme of this year’s church camp.

Everywhere I went this passage followed.  God has a way of getting his message across one way or another, and I believe it is something we all need to hear.

Joshua 24:14-15  Read/Pray                        Choose this Day – Whom you will serve.

The Sunday School answer quickly comes to our minds, “of course we choose to serve God”, but have you weighed the consequences of serving God?  We are so quick to say, “Yes, I will serve God”, without any thought of what is required of us in order to serve God.

In Order for us to serve God the Scripture clearly tells us that we must:

Continue reading

Transform Your Church By Transforming Your Leadership Part 2

I spent another awesome day hanging with the BNC crew, and I learned so much.  Here are just a few of my notes. Enjoy!


Worship begins with you – the pastor.

The hardest thing for a pastor to ever do, is let go.

Two things you can’t let go of:

  • You cannot let go of the Vision aspect of Worship.
  • You can’t delegate the weekend experience. (Sunday Worship)

Every other aspect of worship needs to be delegated.

All aspect of ministry need to be intertwined within the worship experience.

Leadership doesn’t happen because your over them, but because you are kin to them.

You will not have worship if You don’t know that your called to this: 1 Tim 3:1-

  1. Bishop – Overseer  (Pastor is a gift, not a calling, but the Bishop is someone who is called.) v.1
  2. Above Reproach v.2
  3. Husband of One Wife (Man) v.2  Your marriage is a mirror of your salvation.
  4. Temperate (Be the person that carries the energy in your church – the “leader lift”) v.2
  5. Self-Controlled – Self-Denial v.2
  6. Respectable (look sharp, hygiene, presence, etc.)  A respectable person is a respecter of persons. v.2
  7. Hospitable (Your door needs to be open.  Keep your house clean and presentable to others.  Make sure you have people in your house.) (Be apart of your peoples lives. Example. Show up at a ball game.) v.2
  8. Able to Teach (Able to shuck the corn.  You have to bring it every Sunday – blistering hot!) v.2
  9. Not a drunkard (Stay away from it completely) v.3
  10. Not violent / Not quarrelsome, but gentle v.3
  11. Not a lover of money v.3
  12. He must manage his household well. (Parenting/Pastoring your home) v.3


Me w/Shannon O'Dell

Practical Application of Worship in Your Church


Stay true to your non-negotiables.  Don’t adapt to every fray and fringe.

1.) Weekend Worship Experience

  • It has to be fresh!!
  • Be who you are, and let it pour out of you.
  • Worship Environment/Elements – Sensations = Sight, Sense, Smell, Sound, Savior

2.) Kids and Students

3.) Volunteers

  • Celebrate your volunteers

4.) Community Groups

Sometimes you have to eliminate good stuff in order to experience the great.

Things to Consider Before the Worship Experience: