The 3 Big NO NOs of Transformers 2 (Movie Review)


Decepticon forces return to Earth on a mission to take Sam Witwicky prisoner, after the young hero learns the truth about the ancient origins of the Transformers. Joining the mission to protect humankind is Optimus Prime, who forms an alliance with international armies for a second epic battle.

I usually don’t get too involved in movie reviews due to the massive number of them out there, but I just felt that Christians needed Biblical perspective behind it.  I was totally appalled at some of the language and adult content in this movie.  My son wanted to watch it, but now I am glad I went and pre-screened it.  It just goes to show what direction our society is going in when a toy company such as Hasbro allows their innocent characters the Transformers to be used to promote sexuality and vulgarity. There were many times where  curse words were used, and it didn’t even make sense for it to be used in the context of the dialogue.  I find myself very disappointed.

As far as the story line goes, it has some great action packed scenes that will capture your attention.  I love the heroism, and self-sacrifice.  Optimus Prime even has a quote that will be adding to my favorite quote list…”Fate rarely calls on us at a moment of our choosing.”  Unfortunately all the positives cannot justify the negative aspects of this film.  Here are the “3 Big NO NOs” for me, primarily because these are the issues that are corrupting today’s teens.

  1. Sexuality – Skin is expected in summer movies, but the sexuality was off the chart for any children’s/teen movie.  The main actress flaunts herself about, but what really bothered me was the fact that you have 2 dogs being sexually active at various parts of the movie, a scene where “Sam” (main character) is being sexually intimate with another college student who is not his girlfriend and turns out to be a robot, inappropriate posters in the dorm room as well as a neon porn sign in one of the scenes, a former Sector 7 agent pulls down his pants revealing his rear in a jock strap, an enormous robot with testicles, and a little remote control truck robot that starts humping the main actress’s leg.  There is more, but I will stop there.  There is a teen sexuality crisis going on in today’s society, and we have to start doing something about it before we have another Sodom and Gomorrah on our hands.
  2. Vulgarity and Language– You rarely find a movie without some cursing anymore, but once again it was totally unnecessary in this film.  There was no need to have Transformers cursing.  These are children’s play toys for goodness sake.  I would be throwing my son’s Transformers in the trash if he even remotely stated some of the things that the characters did in the movie.  That was a very poor decision.  There were multiple f- word variants, 10+ s-words and 15 or so misuses of God’s name. We also hear about 25 or more uses combined of “d–n,” “a–hole,” “b–ch,” “h—” 
  3. Drug Content – Drunken parties, marijuana-laced brownies, and a bong is enough of an excuse not to watch this film.  I’ve see teenagers die first hand from drug/alcohol overdoses, and I have also seen how destructive it can be on the family.  I also counsel teenagers on a regular basis who are so caught up in this crud that it is destroying their lives.  This one alone ticks me off more than any of them.

I just want to conclude with this thought.  Today’s society is in need of a revival.  As I read the scripture and the prophecies I realize there is going to come a great awakening.  Either an awakening of repentance or an awakening of judgement.  The Old Testament is filled with these awakenings: The awakening of judgement on the earth during the time of Noah, the awakening of judgement on Sodom and Gomorrah, the awakening of repentance of Ninevah, and the awakening of judgement in Revelation.  Do you and your family a big favor, and save your $20+ dollars, and take your kids out for some ice cream and a picnic at the park. 

Practical Advice – My advice is to skip this movie, but many of you will still allow your children to watch this movie, but I would recommend that if you are going to do so wait until it comes out on DVD, rent it, pre-screen it, and fast forward or skip the scenes that would be considered inappropriate.  Remember what we put into our children will eventually come out.  None of us want to see our children grow up to be foul mouthed sexually active addicts, so then don’t allow Satan to have this foothold.