How to Transform Your Church

Over the past few days, I was able to interact with three great men, in whom I have a great deal of respect for, and I gained an enormous amount of practical information on how to transform the church. I thought this would be a great opportunity to share what I learned with you. These men were personal and relevant in their teachings, and I am grateful for them.  Each spoke on different topics such as Chuch structure, finances, staffing, volunteers, and change.  So lets cut to the chase, and hear what God is inspiring us to do in today’s local church.

(I would also love to hear your ideas on how to transform the church.  Be sure to share in the comment box below.) 

Tony Morgan: Ministry Strategies

Strategic Questions to Ask:

  • How do people connect to our church?
  • What does a fully devoted follower of Christ look like?
  • How can we help people take their next steps?

Develop a Focus Strategy:

  • We are offering too many options for church members making it more difficult for them to commit to one.
  • Stop trying to do so much, and do what God is calling you to do with excellence.

Clarify the Strategy:

       Four Questions to ask about your ministry:

1. What event or programs require a major platform announcement in order for it to succeed.

  • If it requires a platform announcement, then the vision needs to be made clear, and if the vision is clear, but there is no one on board then don’t do it.

2. What would you not participate in if you were not the pastor or on staff?

3. Does this program reach people outside the church or does it just satisfy people inside the church?

  • Write down all your ministries, and put them in one of two list: Inside / Outside , then make the necessary changes to ensure balance.  If you lose balance then you either become self-centered and self-serving, or a church that doesn’t care about the congregants.

4. Where is the fruit, what is God blessing?

  • What would happen if we invested more resources into what God is Blessing, and less into things that he is not?
  • Don’t confuse activity w/ Life Change.

Communicate the Strategy:

Are we clearly communicating?

When all of the ministries try to communicate at the same time it (vision/message) becomes distorted, and eventually becomes SPAM.

Avoid the Noise:

  • Clarify the mission, vision, and values
  • Develop a focus strategy
  • Have consistency in the message. (flyers, branding, publication, web, graphics, dramas, videos, music, etc.)

We are bombarding people with all these mixed messages, and it looks like we are multiple organizations instead of just one. Remove all the different ministry titles.  Keep it simple, and have consistency in each of their themes.

#1 Reason People Show Up to Church = Personal Invite.

Focus on creating environments where genuine ministry is taking place, and lives are being changed.

Focus on Relationships.

Strategy for Team Building:

  • Attend Conferences / Workshops
  • Read books together
  • Evaluate Effective churches that are growing / attend services

Casey Graham: Money, Money, Money (Church Finances)

Funded & Free Matt. 6

1. Churches should be fully-funded and church leaders should be free from financial worry.

  • “Fully-Funded and Financially Free – That’s the Way it Ought to Be!”

2. Few church leaders get into the ministry for money, but many leave because of it.

  • The mindset of broke is a plague.  If you think you’re going to be broke, your going to be broke

3. Becoming Fully-Funded starts with asking a new question:

  • What do people really want?
  • “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.” – Zig Ziglar

4. People want to be:

A. Needed

  1. Reason People Give: Need
  2. Needs Jump Start Generosity
  3. Create opportunities for people to feel needed financially

B. Inspired

  1. Reason People Give: Vision
  2. Clarity increases generosity
  3. Help people find their vision and they will fund yours

C. Financially Free

  1. Reason People Give: Education
  2. Build a Financial Ministry, not a class
  3. Provide One-on-One help
  4. 6 Week Video Driven Curriculum –

D. Loved

  1.  Reason People Give: Relationships
  2. People who volunteer and attend small groups give more
  3. Create environments to build trust with key donors
  • Lack of trust is the silent killer of generosity
  • Build relational equity before you make the ask

E. Pleasing to God

  1. Reason People Give: Obediance
  2. Lead the Way – Generous Leaders produce Generous Givers
  3. Preach the Bible

Connect the Ministry and the Money.

Apply one of each of these needs each week just prior to taking up the offering.

Always keep at least 3-6 months of operating expenses in savings for obstacles, but us the rest towards ministries and opportunities.

Shannon O’Dell: Breaking All the Rurals

Serving the Least, the Last, and the Lost

If We Are Called – Psalm 141

1. We must recognize that If We Are Called by God we have a Scent. v.2 (incense)

  • Your marriage is a reflection of your walk w/ God. 
  • You have to have scent in order to be sent
  • A message prepared in the mind reaches the mind
  • A message prepared in the heart reaches the heart
  • A message lived out in your life reaches/changes lives
  • The tone of your church is presented through its scent, how it smells.  If it smells old and musky, people are going assume the same about how your church ministers.

2. We must recognize that If We Are Called we must admit that we are Bent. v. 4 (Bent toward sin)

  • Shoot people straight, be honest with people
  • Be transparent with your bent (struggle w/ sin) especially with your wife and ministry team.
  • If you want to be on fire for God, or have a church on fire for God, You have to be on fire for your wife.  Your marriage should be smoking hot.
  • Have accountability in your life.  There were 12 Apostles who were like Jesus Leadership Team, but Jesus also had a couple that were extremely close to him.  Have a leadership team of 10-12 and 2-3 wise men to be counselors and mentors.

3. We must recognize that If We Are Called by God we need people who will give us a Dent. v.5

  • You need people who are going to be honest with you, and not sugar coat things.
  • You need people who will be straight with you, and tell you the truth.
  • v.5 It’s going to hurt at times, but it is a kindness
  • Set aside your pride.
  • Don’t find people who hate everything you do, but find people you trust and respect, who will be honest with you.
  • Lose the dent removal people

4. We must recognize that if We Are Called by God we must Vent. v.5b-7

  • Everyone needs to vent sometimes, just be careful who you vent to.

Q&A Notes:

Q. How does change take place when people are still holding on to tradition?

A. Outgrow the nay-sayers and those who try to control everything.

Q. How can I better be organized?

A. Use “Planning Center”

Q. What are your four non-negotionables?

A. Worship Experience (Worship that touches heave and changes earth), Kids/Students, Volunteers, and Groups

Q. What do you think the greatest mission field in the world is?

A. Rural America

Other Notes:

Anytime somebody wants to you or the church to do something, empower them to do it.

The Pastor is ultimately responsible for kids and students.

Greatest worship leader in the church is the pastor.

Must have F.I.T. – First Impressions Team

Strive for Excellence in Everything!!

2 things that every church can do that don’t cost a thing:

  1. Creativity –       $0
  2. Excellence –     $0.                
  3. Result = Changed Lives

  Restructure Your Church to Grow.  Acts 2-6 Pastor Led Structure – Not Roberts Rule of Structure.

Avoid Speaking and Getting Involved in Politics. Just Don’t Do It!!

Prioritize Staff & Volunteers

  1. Pastor & Preaching
  2. Worship Experience
  3. Children & Students
  4. Small Groups Continue reading

Transforming Church in Rural America

Transforming Church in Rural America is an awesome book written by Shannon O’Dell, a former youth pastor in Texas who took a huge step of faith to answer God’s call.  This is a book that challenges pastors and lay leaders to break all of what Shannon calls the rurals.  In this book you will learn how to generate growth through transformed lives, engage your community through active evangelism, enhance your worship experience, inspire volunteers, and transform your church.  This book is also accompanied by creative online videos that reveal significant factors in the development of Shannon’s church Brand New Church.

Discover the possibilities and value that lies within your church, and reach for a new horizon by reading Shannon’s book.  You will gain a clear and concise understanding to what V.A.L.U.E. truly is. 

The last part of the book description reads: “Experience the blueprint for transforming into effective, dynamic, and thriving churches – no matter where the location or how small it may be”  reading this book was exactly that, a life changing experience.  I don’t think I will ever look at ministry the same again.

Just reading this book made me want to go find the most countryfied hickville rural church I could find, and see if they would let me Pastor, but the Holy Spirit reminded me that He has me right where he wants me, and I am to implement some of these things right where I am serving NOW!  Now, is correct.  And if God is leading you to get this book, get it NOW!, go sacred cow tipping, and start experiencing transformed lives.

Message to Shannon: Dude, if you ever read this blog post I want you to know that God has done a wonderful work through you, this book, and Lead Hill/Bergman.  My wife’s family was some of the last members of Elixer Baptist Church, and I know how set in their ways Southside and Elixer was.  Only a miracle by the Grace of God could do what you and your team have done.  You are a true inspiration.  May God bless you for your endeavors, and may His kingdom be richly multiplied because of it.  I look forward to meeting you at the Transforming Church in Rural America Conference May 25th.

As part of my review I’m going to be giving away a FREE copy of Transforming Church In Rural America.  One out of every ten comments will win a copy.  Read carefully; here is how you get your FREE copy.  Take these three steps:

1. Leave a comment below. State that you would like a copy of this book in your own words of course and share why you would like one.

2. Fill out the form to enter HERE. New Leaf Publishing will send you a free copy if you win and they will need your address. Click this link and fill in your information, so New Leaf Publishing Group will know where to send your FREE copy in the mail.

3. Send a link to this post through Twitter or Facebook.  If you aren’t on either, just say so in the comments.   Use this status update:   Get a FREE Copy of @shannonodell’s new book, Transforming Church in Rural America, from @justinsrefuge at #TCIRA

If you win a copy of this book, I would love to hear your thoughts on it, and what steps you learned that you are planning on implementing.

Good Luck!!